Friday, February 4, 2011

Flashback Friday: When I Travel I...Run

I try to run in the most interesting places possible. Dirt roads of Kenya, hills of Ireland or in this case the shoreline of Mexico. In summer of 2010 Tracy and I went back to one of our favorite areas, the Mayan Riviera coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. I planned this run along a deserted section of coast well before the trip but waited until our last day to try it and as luck would have it, I ended up running in a torrential rain...which explains the blurry lens photos that follow.
I found the footing to be a bit of an issue in this section.

This run wins the award for most varied terrain in a single 5 mile run ever.

Finally the trail appears complete with abandoned flip flop.

It was hard not to stop and take pictures every 2 minutes...although still photos miss the intensity of storm waves crashing in.

I don't think I want to know what this road was used for, but I appreciated its existence.

Thank you to Tracy for letting me borrow her waterproof digital camera.

I don't know why but this picture seemed entirely necessary after a Mexican run in the rain.

Click here to see a map of my run. Zoom out for a sense of where in the world I was getting wet and trying to avoid sprained ankles.

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