Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sipi Falls, Uganda: Part II

On Christmas morning Tracy and I rappelled(abseiled to our British readers) down the 300ft lower Sipi Falls, which hopefully explains the Santa hats in the following pictures. Later, we hiked for a couple of hours to reach the upper two falls which turned out to be equally breathtaking. Not your typical day of Christmas trees, presents and opening stockings by the fire.
My favorite picture! That speck is Tracy which I think gives a sense of scale missing in most of our Sipi Falls photos.

My wife...smiling while dangling from a rope 300 feet in the air(a rope which was clearly well worn and belayed by an amateurish 19 year old Ugandan boy). FYI: the red dot on the trail below is me.

My turn to try rappelling and conquering my fear of "falling from height" which I swear is different and less wimpy than the standard fear of heights.

The middle falls is definitely the most Jurassic appearing of the 3 major drops of Sipi Falls.

Looking up to discover why we were suddenly getting so wet.

Behind the middle falls...which sounds kind of like the title of a sad movie.

Upper Sipi Falls. Yet another stunning view.
So, the next time you find yourselves near the Uganda-Kenya border don't miss Sipi Falls. It is pretty much how you'd imagine the heart of Africa in your dreams.


Meghan said...

Oh my gosh! There are no words to describe how amazing these photos are! And is Tracy wearing a Santa hat??? Too cool!

Tracy said...

Meg, Thanks for your much appreciated comments. =)

Connie said...

and...the Santa hat is very appropriate as she was a Christmas baby! Best Christmas present ever!!

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