Friday, March 4, 2011


We have returned from the Hawaiian islands of Oahu and Kauai and can't wait to share our experiences, photos, tips, and reviews.  We took it all in from warm weather runs, spicy ahi, massive amounts of sushi, surfing, camping, backpacking, snorkeling, running into dolphins and whales, catamaran trips, garden tours, beach bumming, ancient cultural sites, and randomly running into people we know.  Our Hawaii trip was a perfect mix of both of our interests and gave us a lot of time for romance, adventure, and relaxation.  (Can you tell i miss it already??)  We hope all of our readers are having a great weekend so far!
Kalalau Beach sunset.
Here we are dirty, sweaty, sore, surrounded by new friends, and at our happiest!

Cayle, the crazy lens and his manbag (a.k.a. LowePro Camera satchel).
Victory after 10 miles and only 1 more mile to go.  Destination:  "the most beautiful dead end on earth."
Surfing!  My new favorite water sport.  Not for those with weak upper bodies or a lack of balance.  

1 comment:

Leslie said...

So Beautiful.

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