Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My love of safari

Location: Kenya (Nyeri, Nairobi, Masai Mara)

When I was 26 I travelled solo to Kenya for a few months to volunteer.  It was scary to travel so far away from home by myself, yet also very exhilarating.  I was very fortunate to spend time at St. Mary's Boys School and Children's Rescue Program in Nyeri.  The headmaster of the school is one of my ultimate heroes.  I have visited since in both 2009 and 2010.

If anyone is looking for an organization to volunteer with, I highly recommend contacting St. Mary's directly to see if they have a project that would meet reciprocal needs.  There are opportunities to work with children in academic settings.  The school has special housing for volunteers and visitors.  It's a pretty luxe set up comparatively.

Unbeknownst to me, I scheduled a safari in the Masai Mara during the Great Migration of Wildebeest across the Mara River.  Ever since this weekend...African safaris are one of my favorite experiences.

Unfortunately, a road is planned to be built through the Serengeti heavily disrupting the natural migration paths of these beautiful animals.  Global Day planned to halt Serengeti project  Halting Serengeti Project

Many friends have asked about going to Kenya and on safari expressing concern about safety and price.  This is understandable.  However, this is one adventure that should not be missed.  Your safety will hardly be threatened, and I have an amazing friend named Dan who will make sure your safari is one of the best, most affordable experiences of your life.  Send us an email if you are interested in the hook up!

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Meghan said...

One of my best friends just visited Ghana (she stayed with Kofi Annan's son!), somewhere else (I forget) and Zanzibar. She went on a safari and LOVED it! Definitely want to go someday!

Leslie said...

Great slide show, works well in your blog post. The pictures make me want to be there.

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